
Showing posts from April, 2022

Quench Your Thirst with a Refrigerated Drinking Water Fountain at Commercial Premises

When the sun is up at your head during the summer season, everyone needs chilled drinking water. So, a refrigerated drinking water fountain quenches your thirst and keeps you hydrated. Having these elegant, aesthetic, and impeccably designed drinking fountains can increase the footprint at your commercial premises. A refrigerated drinking water fountain provides cool, clean, refreshing water to drink at the touch of a button. It is mounted on a stable and durable base, powered by advanced techniques. The top unit features transparent windows that allow you to monitor the water supply level. Source Omega allows you to update your office, restaurant, or other important business premises with the sleek, understated style and bottled-water fresh taste of refrigerated drinking water fountains . Using drinking fountain replacement parts, you can restore the functionality of your existing drinking source system with time. Our water fountain product is made to provide clean drinking water mo...

¿Por qué instalar una fuente de agua potable en un local de guardería?

  ¿Sabía que el suministro de agua puede estar contaminado por diversos elementos no deseados, como plomo, polvo, suciedad, productos químicos nocivos, contaminantes biológicos, contaminantes radiológicos y sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS)? Nuestra generación más joven elige las bebidas azucaradas en lugar del agua que provocan diversas enfermedades dañinas en el futuro. En este blog, discutiremos por qué una fuente de agua potable es imprescindible en los centros de cuidado infantil.   La importancia de las fuentes de agua potable para las guarderías Si está buscando comprar fuentes de agua potable para sus guarderías, querrá una fuente que sea fácil de mantener y que no requiera una limpieza y un mantenimiento complejos. Las fuentes de agua potable ayudan a prevenir la propagación de gérmenes al proporcionar agua limpia y potable (segura) a todos los niños con el mínimo esfuerzo y la máxima diversión. La fuente de agua potable de Childcare presenta un diseño moderno, l...

Enhance the Functionality at the Peak level with the help of Drinking fountain replacement parts

  Everyone needs to drink water regularly in order to function at their best. If your drinking fountain stops working, you need to make sure it's up and running again as soon as possible so people can continue accessing the freshwater they need. Most drinking fountain components must be replaced regularly—drip trays may become stained, bubblers may develop leaks, and other plastic components can crack. Filters help keep water cleaner for longer but should be replaced regularly. It is also essential to replace broken or malfunctioning parts as soon as possible. At Source Omega, we carry a wide selection of drinking fountain replacement parts for any water fountain & cooler brand and offer bulk pricing for large orders. Drinking fountain replacement parts include anything from push buttons, bubblers, and aerators to bypass valves and floor brackets. Our repair parts are built to fit Halsey Taylor, Oasis, Elkay, Sunroc, or Haws fountain models. The most popular repair items for...