Install a Wall-mounted Drinking Fountain at any Height as per your Convenience

With the advances in technology and innovation within the drinking fountain industry, current models of drinking fountains offer a great deal of benefits for both users and for those operating the fixtures. Wall mounted drinking fountains provide an ergonomic solution for your visitors and staff. They are also an attractive addition to any waiting room or reception area, adding a touch of elegance and contemporary design. Elkay offers a complete range of wall-hang drinking fountains, from traditional to modern styles that suit any taste, interior design or space requirements. This wall mounted drinking water fountain features an Easy Touch push bar control for effortless access, helping to reduce the spread of germs on hands during use. It takes only seconds for children to obtain a clear drink of water on their own with this convenient drinking fountain that provides a sturdy splash-stop feature.

The Elkay Easy Touch wall-mounted drinking fountain is a standard flow drinking fountain that provides an excellent solution for water consumption in municipalities, educational institutions, and public water access solution for a school, childcare center, sport club, office or workplace. With its wheelchair-accessible design and deep basin to minimize splashing, the Elkay Easy Touch provides safe, easy drinking access for anyone in public areas. The Elkay Easy Touch wall-mounted water fountain has been engineered to ensure years of trouble-free use. They offer great flexibility in water flow and temperature. Popular models such as the Elkay Easy Touch fit perfectly into a contemporary building style or décor, depending on your needs.

The Wall-mounted Easy Touch drinking fountains by Elkay are designed to offer a flexible and comprehensive range of convenience features in a variety of shapes and sizes. Wall-mounted Drinking Fountains are a popular choice because they can be installed at the desired height and offer many styles to choose from. These also offer flexibility for both adults and children. The Elkay Easy Touch is one of our most popular wall-mounted chilled drinking fountains ideal for indoor public environments. Elkay's Wall-Mounted Drinking Fountains are a great choice because they can be installed at the desired height and offer many styles to choose from. Drinking Fountains on a wall give a more professional look vs. free standing drinking fountains. It is suitable for use by all ages, due to its height and control of water supply. The drinking system is particularly suitable for disabled users, as it reduces the amount of reach required and has a large, accessible button.

These fountains are a simple, elegant way to provide your entire family with clean, great-tasting water. It mounts discreetly on the wall, so your family can have fresh water at the touch of a button. The sleek design matches any décor, and the result is an ideal addition to your home. Our wall-hang drinking fountain is also the perfect solution for schools, parks and other public places where drinking fountains are needed but not available. The unit operates without an exterior power source, uses little water and reduces maintenance costs. An appealing alternative to an interior drinking fountain, it will help meet ADA compliance. When not in use, the wall-mounted unit is virtually invisible.



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